Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What do we learn from the way that we are taught?

Gregory Jones reflects on Duke University's research on corporate learning strategies,
I was intrigued to discover the 70-20-10 principle among chief learning officers for continuing training and development needs: 70 percent of learning occurs in the workplace, 20 percent from coaches/mentors and only 10 percent from formal educational “continuing education” programs. Yet in Christian institutions we typically have reversed these numbers and presume that most learning for Christian clergy, laity and institutional leaders will occur through formal learning opportunities.
Rest of the article here

I think it is pretty clear that what we teach people, no matter how many times we tell them that stuff needs to be applied in real life, is that Christian life is primarily about thinking and saying the right things in church, rather than saying and doing the right things in the world, because as a church that is what we spend our time getting good at and practicing.  Unless we put greater effort into being the people of God on those hours outside of church meetings than we do into those meetings themselves no one is ever really going to believe us that the other 90% of the week is actually the important bit.


  1. OK, so what do we do about it? :)

  2. Do? I've only been taught to think about things, not do them!! :-)

    A fair question, maybe one day i'll have some answers.


Jesus treats the Syrophoenecian Woman as a Disciple

[This is an extract from my essay "Breaking Bread: The Power of Hospitality in the Gospel of Mark" which you can read in full and ...