Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Theology of Washing Up

No really! It is right here. I think it could even be a sermon series!


  1. It took us 10 years, but we've finally got a dishwasher. I had never thought that dish-washers were evil, but I used to believe the four points that he made about dishwashers. I'll address each of his points in turn:
    1. Not as clean - I think that this is simply a technology issue. Our dishwasher makes things unbelievably clean, especially glass, and I'm really pedantic with my dishes
    2. Opportunity for service - We have found that the children get this opportunity at a younger age using a dishwasher, because there is less skill required with loading and unloading
    3. Pastoral care - This is the only one that I still believe, because of the experiences that I had with my Dad washing dishes. On the flip side, the extra time that a dishwasher provides can be more effectively used for pastoral care
    4. Electricity - once again, a technology issue. There are low-power dishwashers that use less water and electricity than a full sink of dish water twice a day

    Interesting that someone would think to create a theology out of washing up, though I was a little concerned that he used scripture out of context to support his ideas

  2. I never have dirty dishes pile into a job - I wash as I go. Wash the pot before I eat out of the bowl and then wash the bowl before I make the tea... I just followed you here from Nick on torture because I liked what you said. I find you are a fellow NZer but you weren't born here - where then? I hope you don't eat pork unless it's certified organic (I'm vegie anyway), I hope you don't approve of us going to Afghanistan and I wonder what you think of the state of Auckland ;-) I'm Napier born but lived all over and phd-ing in the UK but Aotearoa is my whenua, my whanau.


  3. D&J thanks for that rebuttal! I'd have to read it more slowly again before i could comment on the use of scripture, but any relevant scripture references are going to be indirect at the very least, which is a significant issue for any theological discourse that seek to connect to the 21st century!

    Steph, welcome to the blog! Thanks for following the trail. I was born in the Orkney Isles. I've only been in NZ for 3 years. We tend to eat free range but arn't too strict about it, I think the situation in Afghanistan is woefully complicated, and I think Auckland is a total mess! Where are you doing your phd and what in?


New Testament (and related) Journal Word Limits

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