Friday, August 9, 2024

New Testament (and related) Journal Word Limits

This list is a work in progress for my own convenience. I'm sharing it with you out of the goodness of my heart. Don't make me regret it. Feel free to comment or contact me to add others. last updated 23/8/24

NB. Journals may change their word counts without my knowledge. Journal word counts usually include footnotes. Some journals claim to be flexible about the word count, I have not tested this. Obviously, if it is important, check with the journal's website/editor directly.

PS. If you are a journal editor, PLEASE make sure this information is easy to access. And if you don't have a word count, state that somewhere early and prominent in your author guidelines.

From largest to smallest

Journal of Theological Studies. 1–30K

Harvard Theological Review. –12K

Currents in Biblical Research. 6–12K (or more for major reviews)

Horizons in Biblical Theology. –30 pages (~12K?)

Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 4.5–10K

Journal of Biblical Literature. –10K

Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting. –10K

Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 5–10K

Journal of Theological Interpretation. –10K

Biblica. –55K characters (~10K words?) 

Early Christianity. –9K

Neotestamentica. –8.5K

New Testament Studies. –8.5K

Novum Testamentum. –8.5K 

Tyndale Bulletin. –8.5K

Evangelical Quarterly. –8.5K

Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies. 6–8K

Priscilla Papers. 2–7K

Svensk exegetisk årsbok. –7.5K

Sāmoa Journal of Theology. –7k (not including fn)

Verbum et Ecclesia. –7k (not including fn)

Australian Biblical Review. –7K

The Bible Translator. –6K

Colloquium (Australia and New Zealand Theological Review). –5K (not including fn)

HTS Theological Studies. –4.5K (not including fn)

Unknown (that is, I looked but couldn't find)

Bulletin for Biblical Research

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus

Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft

Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture

Journal of the Bible and its Reception

Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha

The Bible and Critical Theory

Journal for the Study of Judaism

Bibliotheca Sacra

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New Testament (and related) Journal Word Limits

This list is a work in progress for my own convenience. I'm sharing it with you out of the goodness of my heart. Don't make me regre...