Monday, February 21, 2011

Three Tips for Church Leaders

Thanks again to Sarah on FB :-)
If the previous post got you down, here is some hope.  


  1. oh be fair!! the right dishonorable Bishit Tamaki knows the Bible, upside down! That's what Tom wants isn't it? Tamaki knows it even better than that - he knows it upside down, jumbled up, the wrong way round, mixed up and regurgitated, mutilated and ..... who is Tamaki anyway??? And for that matter, who is Tom? :D

    steph fisher

  2. Great reminder of what's important.

  3. Is he hoping ALL Christians know the bible in the original language? If so, that's a tall order.

  4. Thanks for writing such a good article, I stumbled onto your blog and read a few post. I like your style of writing...

  5. you are welcome you moronic spammer!


New Testament (and related) Journal Word Limits

This list is a work in progress for my own convenience. I'm sharing it with you out of the goodness of my heart. Don't make me regre...