Friday, September 28, 2012

Your Politics Are Wrong

The great irony of modern political division into left and right is that both sides' moral philosophy is undermined by their economic philosophy and vice versa.

The left desire economic fairness and to assist those in the lower socio economic strata to be empowered and enfranchised in the wider society through the reconnection of the worker with the wealth their labour generates and the redistribution of wealth from historic inequalities. At the same time the left are usually associated with a push to liberalise public morality and give full rein to those moral forces that cause the most damage to the vulnerable in society, legalisation/normalisation of prostitution, lowering ages of sexual consent, normalisation of abortion, undermining of marriage and the traditional family unit, etc, and thus allow historic inequalities to be perpetuated and amplified in the social dysfunction of today.

On the other hand, the morally conservative right, who tend to champion and even attempt to legislate traditional morality are hell bent on giving free rein to the market forces that inevitably dehumanise and commodify the worker and the human body leading to the sexual exploitation of the vulnerable and the breakdown of the family due to the financial and social stress of alienation from the fruit of their labour.

So I put it to you, if you easily associate with left or right, your politics are wrong. Make up your mind, is it anything goes economically and morally and the devil take the hindmost, or do we live as a responsible society of interconnected people who restrain their economic activity and personal morality for the good of the whole?

Just thinking out loud, let me know what you think :-)

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