I've been interviewed about my book on two different podcasts this year , as my mother always said, I have a great face for radio.
Here I am talking to Michael Morales on the New Books Network
And/or here I am talking to John Tucker on Word, Work, World podcast.
Check them out, or don't. If you do, drop a comment below.
Also, Ben, the "Amateur Exegete," gave me a lovely write up on his blog.
Jonathan Robinson’s . . . thorough and thoughtful analysis of the specific texts within the volume’s purview as well as his strong critiques of not only Kirk but also Richard Bauckham and Richard Hays make Markan Typology a valuable contribution to the subject of how the Markan Evangelist understood Jesus of Nazareth and how his readers would have as well.
Read the whole review at https://amateurexegete.com/2023/07/12/markan-typology-miracle-scripture-and-christology-in-mark-435-645-by-jonathan-rivett-robinson-a-brief-review/
Finally, an honourable mention should go to Mr Kendall David on Goodreads. He awarded me a whopping two stars out of fives and comments,
Some interesting explorations but deeply flawed. Robinson approaches typology too atomistically, he is too focused on finding exact literary dependence, he applies his own intertextual criteria inconsistently, he severely misreads Bauckham, and his project is largely unsuited to accomplish the task he sets out to accomplish. I do appreciate Robinson's work to bring typology into mainstream biblical studies.
I am grateful for his appreciative remarks and apologise profusely for my flaws, deep as they are. Looking at some of his other reviews I see he only gave four stars to Donald Juel for his Luke-Acts book, and the same for Mike Bird for Jesus is the Christ, so two stars makes me half as good as Donald Juel, which frankly, I will take.
So, as you can see having you baby/book out in the wide world can be fun but also risky business.
And you can now pre-order my book in paperback for 30 May 2024! Although, for the impatient the hardback copy still has a few left. So whether you want to enjoy my insights or bask in my flaws, my advice to you is walk, don't run, to your computer and buy my book. . . haven't you done it yet???
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